Tag: Highway

Bikers Shut Down Highway for Marriage Proposal

Bikers Shut Down Highway for Marriage Proposal

Apparently people in California think highways belong to them to do what they please. (See “Lunatics Doing Doughnuts Shut Down Highway“) This time, members of the “710 bikerz” motorcycle club/gang/group/”riderzzz” briefly brought traffic to a halt on the 10 Freeway in California on Sunday. The reason? A marriage proposal. While a nice gesture, perhaps a more appropriate place would have been […]

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Lunatics Doing Doughnuts Shut Down Highway

Lunatics Doing Doughnuts Shut Down Highway

A handful of goons in rear-wheel drive cars took to the California highways to show their super-awesome-high-horsepower doughnutting(is that a word?) skill. The internet police on 4Chan have taken to the case to expose those driving/involved in the rush hour madness. Discuss on the Forum!

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