
SINCE 09/25/2005:

27,000+ THREADS | 460,000+ POSTS | 6,000+ MEMBERS



Since September 2005, MDStreetScene has been THE established community of automotive enthusiasts in Maryland.


Maryland Street Scene (MDStreetScene or “MDSS”) exists to bring all types automotive enthusiasts in Maryland together on the web through an active and growing community forum as well as a complimentary website.


Method 1: Contact form on forum – click here

Method 2: Direct email – info @ mdstreetscene.com

Please do NOT PM MDSSAdmin – that PM box is not monitored

The only contacts you will receive from MDStreetScene will be through info/support/admin @ mdstreetscene.com or mdstreetscene @ gmail.com


This site has always been a community forum – emphasis on COMMUNITY. It’s content is community-generated. The community is at it’s best when it’s members are contributing [positively]. If the site is “boring” than it’s members aren’t contributing enough. The admin’s/staff job is to simply build the vision and foundation for the community. At times, we have the unappreciated job of stepping in to resolve conflict – but ultimately, we would really like to remain ‘hands off’ and let the members use the platform to form bonds with each other. We value your constructive criticism! If it involves suggestions on building the community UP (rather than bringing the community, it’s Staff, or it’s users down) and making things better than we want to hear from you!


Started in 2005, MDSS is an online community consisting of people from all walks of life with all different kinds of cars, trucks, suvs, and bikes. We are an actively growing forum of more than 4,000 registered members. It has also become a place to check out event coverage from automotive events around the East coast. Unlike many internet communities, MDSS has worked hard from the very beginning to keep the forums a friendly place for ALL automotive enthusiasts. Our idea is to “leave the drama for your mama”.

Through the forum, members can arrange meets, show off their vehicles, sell/buy parts, ask for help, and discuss both automotive and other relevant topics.

In addition, we’ve created “off-topic” forums for members to discuss topics that are relevant to them. We desire members to become friends and to be able to discuss non-automotive related things. We feel this helps to build unity and strengthens the community aspect. We have multiple “Lounge” forums for discussing anything from politics, to technology, to sports, to gaming, to pop culture and current news, to photography.

Our members are mechanics, painters, bodywork specialists, electronic gurus, racers, and photographers. This vibrant melting pot of members allows us to have a unique community where people with differing interests can come together and appreciate each others automotive creations. You are sure to find answers to your questions, a wealth of knowledge, and a great time with a bunch of obsessed car enthusiasts.

Join the community today, share your passion of automobiles, and meet new people!


The admin has the unappreciated job of maintaining an overall vision for MDStreetScene and for keeping order within a virtual community of people behind their computers. Given the nature of the internet, there needs to be Rules and Terms set in place to keep the mission and values of the site true. Understandably, this will irritate some users who want to things to run in a way that will allow them to act how they choose. Please familiarize yourself with the Rules of MDStreetScene by clicking here.