Your support helps keep the site running and new features added!
Event Promoters
- Tap into our network of 4,000+ users with an email blast
- Have your event banner on the front page of a website that receives 15,000 unique visitors per month
Businesses, shops, vendors
We want to bring the automotive community in Maryland to the web to create a network of individuals leveraging their knowledge. This provides you with excellent exposure for your company;’ automotive related or not. sees, an average of 15,000 unique visitors per month and generates hundreds of thousands of hits.
Members are generally between the ages of 18 and 35 and are interested in maintaining and modifying import, domestics, and European automobiles from car audio to suspension to paint to performance. Our members cover everything.
If you’re interested in advertising on MDSS please use the contact form. A reply will be sent via email to the address you provide. Thanks so much for your consideration.
Here are the types of businesses that have been the best fit for our members:
- Import Performance shop
- Domestic Performance shop
- Car audio/electronics shop
- Exhaust shop
- General vehicle maintenance
- Parts seller
- Window tinting
- Vehicle detailing (mobile or brick & mortar)
- Paint/body shop
- Any other local business that would find it’s market in our members is welcomed!